Direct Support Wellness Professional (DSWP)
Direct Support / Relationships/Career/Balance/Health & Body​/Communication​/ Daily Planning / Mindfulness
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This skill set training will incorporate the concept of WELLNESS with the knowledge obtained as a Direct Support Professional.Through the process DSP become trained, obtain resources, and continue to grow, both professionally and individually, by incorporating wellness into day to day actions.
The content of training includes:
A mindful introduction to DSP ethics (prerequisite – 8 hours DODD)
An introduction to Six Dimensions of Wellness
Concepts of: Living Life Well and Mindful Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Wellness Coaching and how it relates to the “Good Life Philosophy’s”
Healthy Living / Daily Physical Wellness – Outside the box
Developing and Implementing Individual Wellness Plans (IWP)
Community / Social Inclusion
Program Concepts and Implementation
Training consists of 12 hours of training in general wellness concepts
Certification as a DSWP allows you to spread your knowledge using the content and tools provided within the training courses to train others in the concepts.You will also be a registered DSWP on the LIVING WELL OHIO provider registry.Certification comes with a DSWP tool kit that contains all materials needed to expand on the initial concepts and add wellness to everything you do.
Intro to Mindfulness
DSWP Training
Living Well Ohio Agency Training
The course is 35-hours. Using a learning management system via the internet that is self-paced and must be completed within 6 months of registration.A final exam is required. A passing score gains you certification to train the trainer and implement all concepts within your organization.Certification includes all corresponding workbooks and training manuals in a DSWP kit earned upon completion.$2000 certification only does not include cost of other courses required as prerequisites
DSWP Refresher Courses
Brain Storming sessions will be held quarterly that are two hours long. Participants will submit the IWP needs before the session so the focus will be on brainstorming as a group, ways to meet the wellness objectives the DSWP is working on. $60
Refresher Courses - are 4-hour session to expand on Core concept development and brainstorm on IWP implementation $120 {includes requirements for annual training as a DSP}
The entire program consists of several parts, each designed for a different target audience. All program content is interconnected allowing an organization to easily implement the concepts into program structure or simply have staff trained to be DSWP or both. Going forward DSWP trained personnel can become certified to expand on training concepts in house.
Introduction to Mindful Living – a 2 hour online presentation on living mindfully within your day to day. This introduction to a holistic approach to Wellness is applicable to everyone and is a prelude to DSWP / IWP training. $60
Direct Support Wellness Professional (DSWP) Training – A mindful based training where DSP learn how to apply wellness and living mindfully to service delivery. They will develop their own Individual wellness plans (IWP) and learn how core concept development is created to assist in goal attainment. $250 per individual / 12 hours / 2 days. Half off memberships.
DSWP Certification – Certification as a DSWP requires parts A,B & D of this series as a prerequisite. The certification course is a 35-hour learning management system that is self-paced and must be completed within 6 months of registration. A final exam is required. A passing score gains you certification to train the trainer and implement all concepts within your organization. Certification includes all corresponding workbooks and training manuals in a DSWP kit earned upon completion. $2000 certification only
Living Well Ohio Agency – The leadership and program management teams within organizations will be trained on replacing traditional program and planning structures with those that derive from the consumer IWP. Management will develop a skill set of core concept implementation that is designed to instill wellness within organizations and stakeholders. Cost determined by group size.
Brainstorming / Refresher Courses – Throughout the year IWP brainstorming sessions and annual refresher courses will be offered to assist in IWP and Core Concept development. Sessions range from two to four hours and DSWP will have the opportunity to work together to create wellness plans that develop in to living well paths. $60-$120

Direct Support Wellness Professional Training
Refresher Courses and Agency Training
DSWP Certification